Feb 14, 2023

Technical Debt and How To Avoid Costly Mistakes

As a small or medium-sized business owner, prioritize maintenance and refactoring, follow best practices, and track debt with tools like SonarQube to avoid technical debt in software development. As a result, high-quality, efficient software will be produced, saving time and resources in the long run.

Technical Debt and How To Avoid Costly Mistakes

It's possible that as the owner of a small or medium-sized business, you don't have a specialized technical team that can manage the software development tasks you have. However, this does not preclude the possibility of developing useful software of a high standard and efficiency. The expense of maintaining a codebase over time as a result of shortcuts used during the development process is referred to as "technical debt," and it is one of the most important aspects to take into consideration.

When you're up against strict deadlines or have a finite amount of resources, the temptation to cut corners in your code might be strong. However, the use of these short cuts, which are also referred to as "fast and dirty" solutions, can result in the accumulation of technical debt. To put it another way, you are accumulating a debt that you will eventually be required to pay back in the form of more time and resources required to maintain and fix the code.

The question is, what exactly creates technical debt? Lack of adequate planning and design is one of the primary contributors to the problem. When you lack the time or resources to adequately design and test your code, you raise the likelihood that it will have problems and perform poorly. Fixing problems and boosting performance involve a lot of time and resources, which are both things that could have been prevented with better design. This could end up being an expensive problem in the long run.

Lack of testing and code review is another factor that contributes to the accumulation of technical debt. Because of this, it is absolutely necessary for owners of small and medium businesses to have a code review and testing procedure in place, even if it is a simplified version of the original. Reviewing the code on a consistent basis can help find and solve flaws at an earlier stage, before they become more serious issues. In addition, verifying your code with unit tests and continuous integration can assist you in locating and fixing problems before they are reported by users of your application.

The question now is, what steps can you take to eliminate technical debt? The first thing that has to be done is to establish priorities and make a plan for refactoring and maintenance. This entails setting aside time and resources on a consistent basis to examine and test your code, as well as to make improvements wherever they are required. Your code can become easier to maintain and lower the likelihood of incurring technical debt if you follow best practices and design patterns, such as keeping your code modular and making use of existing libraries and frameworks.

It is essential to maintain accurate records of your technical debt in order to identify, prioritize, and resolve the most pressing problems. You can detect and keep track of the technical debt in your codebase with the assistance of tools such as SonarQube, which will allow you to make educated decisions about where to devote your resources.

In conclusion, technical debt is a common issue in software development that can have far-reaching consequences if not properly managed. You, as the owner of a small or medium-sized business, can reduce the effects of technical debt by planning and designing your system meticulously; establishing practices for code review and testing; following industry standards, design patterns, and best practices; and keeping track of your technical debt. Following these procedures will result in high-quality, efficient software that will save you time and money in the long term.

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